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Monitoring and Evaluation for Food Security & Nutrition Program Training Course

This training programme aims to improve the effectiveness of Monitoring and Evaluation of Food Security and Nutrition programs through identifying and disseminating successful methods, tools and practices. This will, in turn, improve the monitoring and evaluation skills of the personnel implementing food security and nutrition programmes in the implementing agencies.

Event Date 02-03-2026
Event End Date 13-03-2026
Individual Price $2,200.00
Location Nairobi, Kenya

Result based monitoring and evaluation helps observe the results achieved throughout the project term. This five-day course focuses on bringing in accountability of monitoring and evaluation for ensuring project completion on time within budgeted costs.

Event Date 02-03-2026
Event End Date 06-03-2026
Individual Price $1,200.00
Location Nairobi, Kenya

Managing a project effectively is not an event, but a process. This training shows you how to get a project off the ground, manage the inevitable uncertainties that crop up along the way, organize information, and communicate effectively about it. You will learn how to monitor each project effectively, provide progress reports, hold review meetings, and keep to schedules. You’ll also learn how to control costs, avoid unwanted expansion boundaries, and manage the risk of veering off course.

Event Date 09-03-2026
Event End Date 20-03-2026
Individual Price $2,200.00
Location Nairobi, Kenya
Training on Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation (PM&E) for Development

Participatory monitoring and evaluation (PM&E) Training is designed to recognize and include communities as important stakeholders in data collection and evaluation. It expands the notion of accountability to answer not only whether organizations are fulfilling the terms of the funding they receive, but also whether they are fulfilling the needs and goals of the communities they serve. PM&E requires including community voices in monitoring and evaluation, and building the capacity of community members to become active partners in this process.

Event Date 09-03-2026
Event End Date 20-03-2026
Individual Price $2,200.00
Location Nairobi, Kenya
Project Cycle Management Training Course

Project Cycle Management PCM is a management tool based on the Log-frame approach which is used in project development. The project cycle enables provision of structures that ensures Stakeholders are consulted and relevant information is available thus enhancing informed decision making in crucial stages of a project. 

Event Date 09-03-2026
Event End Date 13-03-2026
Individual Price $1,200.00
Location Nairobi, Kenya
Gender Mainstreaming in Project Development and Management Training

This course is designed to equip participants with gender mainstreaming skills for better management of community-based development programmes. The course will further provide participants with a concrete ‘step-by-step’ approach including hints and guidelines for developing and implementing a successful project from a gender-based perspective in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs.

Event Date 16-03-2026
Event End Date 20-03-2026
Individual Price $1,200.00
Location Nairobi, Kenya
Training on Monitoring and Evaluating, Accountability and Learning

Monitoring, evaluation, accountability, and learning (MEAL) are part of everyday programme management and are critical to the success of all programmes. MEAL technical quality is very important across a portfolio of projects. Without an effective MEAL system we would be unable to track progress, make adjustments, discover unplanned effects of programmes, or judge the impact that we have made on the lives of those with whom we are working.

Event Date 23-03-2026
Event End Date 03-04-2026 1:00 am
Individual Price $2,200.00
Location Nairobi, Kenya

The training is expected to help participants understand the need for projects in development, appreciate the phases in project management, develop a practical project idea and write a comprehensive project proposal. It will also equip participants to come up with possible project funding sources, liaise with stakeholders in project idea initiation and develop fundraising initiatives.

Event Date 23-03-2026
Event End Date 27-03-2026
Individual Price $1,200.00
Location Nairobi, Kenya